Business Surveillance Systems To Help Keep Employees Safe

Keeping your employees safe should be one of the top concerns of every business owner. This can be accomplished in many different ways. Installing a business surveillance system, or CCTV, is a great way to address this concern.

IP video surveillance systems for business protects employees both directly and indirectly. These cameras are installed in parking lots and outside buildings to record activity and allow company security officers to ensure that employees reach their vehicles safely. For those businesses that do not have security staff it can be a deterrent to would-be perpetrators that their potential actions are being recorded. This would hopefully make them think twice about committing a crime at this facility.

Businesses are able to go back and retrieve recorded video depending on the storage capabilities. The capabilities are commonly 14-30 days but can be longer if desired.

The video system can record instances of employee abuse or harassment towards other employees, as well a safety in the workplace which can be use of machinery, forklift operation, shipping, receiving etc. Employee safety is very important and can assist you with being OSHA compliant.

Video Surveillance Systems Have Many Advantages

Video surveillance in the workplace can bring about many benefits when used properly:

  • Reduces and/or prevents employee lawsuits
  • Enforces safety policies, resulting in a safer workplace
  • Limits liability as a business owner
  • Records and analyzes employee injuries
  • Makes employees feel safer in their working environment
  • Spots and addresses unsafe working practices
  • Maintains a safe working environment for everyone

camera in an office Taylored Systems recently installed a business surveillance system for…
“Freedom Springs is a popular aquatics park in Greenwood. On a typical summer’s day, the facility can reach capacity of 1500 people. We hire only trained and certified lifeguards to watch our waters. Having 27 cameras installed at Freedom Springs has been a valuable tool for security, but also, training our lifeguards on specific events and rescues. Also, having remote access to the cameras allows management to observe facility operations and make adjustments as needed. We have been pleased with the clarity and the stability of the cameras.”
– Rob Taggart, Director of Parks and Recreation at Greenwood Parks and Recreation

Protect Your Employees with Video Surveillance

More than ever today’s businesses need to ensure their employees are not only protected against on the job conflicts and injuries, but are physically safe in their working environment by using employee video surveillance. Here at Taylored Systems, we’ve worked with many customers to install surveillance systems for their businesses. We help them understand how crucial it is to focus on the safety of your employees and how these systems will help enhance this safety.

  • security guard watching monitors Harassment Prevention: Employee harassment is very common in many businesses and in many cases it doesn’t get reported. Video Surveillance Cameras record complete footage so employees do not need to be afraid to report incidents because there is video to back-up their story. Relevant action can be taken thereof.
  • Managing Internal Safety Compliance: An IP video surveillance system plays an important role in helping companies stay in compliance with its own safety policies and those of OSHA. In many work environments, the safety of employees is of great cameras in an office importance and the only definitive way to ensure safety policies are being enforced is through the use of IP security cameras. Monitoring the workplace enables management to control employee safety and other hazards that may present a harmful threat to employees. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) recommends taking safety seriously in the workplace by continually identifying and implementing solutions to minimize potential workplace accidents. IP Video surveillance systems make it possible to avoid workplace accidents and maintain employee safety.

Other Uses for Video Surveillance in the Workplace

Video Surveillance can also allow employers to watch and record machinery and equipment operation in the plant to assure it is being done correctly. This can be beneficial for both the employee and the company. First it can determine if the employee is operating the equipment as trained and not in an unsafe manner causing harm to themselves or others nearby.

In the event of a workplace accident it can determine the cause of an accident. It truly could be the result of an accident or a worker being careless or even the malfunction of the machine or piece of equipment.

Business surveillance systems can be used as a training tool to teach employees about operating the machinery correctly. This can result in less accidents and potential loss of life as well as downtime for the business that could potentially be costing thousands, sometime millions of dollars in lost production.

Consider Video Surveillance in the Workplace

There is nothing more important than an employee’s safety and wellbeing. Installing CCTV on business premises can greatly enhance the safety of your employees.